Is Oxygen Concentrator Useful to Treat Covid-19?
2021-04-08How is Oxygen Concentrator Used in Treatment of Covid-19
2021-08-11As we all know that everyone needs oxygen to survive going from our lungs to the cells in our body. Sometimes the amount of oxygen in our blood can fall below normal levels because of some health issues such as the asthma, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the flu, and the COVID-19. When the levels are too low, we may need to take extra oxygen, known as oxygen therapy.
The most effective way to get extra oxygen into the body is to use an oxygen concentrator, but they are medical devices which are required to be sold and used under with doctor’s prescription.
Oxygen concentrators take in air from the room and filter out nitrogen. The process provides the higher amounts of oxygen needed for oxygen therapy.
Below tips are very useful for you when using an oxygen concentrator:
1. Do not use the concentrator, or any oxygen product, near an open flame or while smoking.
2. Put the concentrator in an open space to reduce chances of device failure from overheating.
3. It may impact device performance in case of blocking any vents on the concentrator.
4. Check your device periodically to make sure you are getting enough oxygen.
5. If you are using an oxygen concentrator for chronic health problems and have changes in your breathing or oxygen levels, or have symptoms of COVID-19, call your doctor. Please do not make changes to the oxygen levels by yourself.